manage the database中文什么意思

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  1. Managing the database engine services
  2. An object to relational database mapping framework , using the new jdk1 . 5 annotations , that fully manages the database
    一个对象到关系数据库映射框架,使用新的jdk1 . 5注释,其完全管理数据库。
  3. It applys large database management system . users can login to it as common user or administrator . if they login as administrator , they may manage the database
  4. The administrator can manage the database on the internet directly . the part of science research web sites is to introduce some useful science web site to the visitors
  5. It adopts xml documents to manage the database of the components , for their metadata structures are tree - structures . it makes it possible to manipulate the database such as insert , delete , update and query


  1. manage security environment 什么意思
  2. manage state 什么意思
  3. manage team 什么意思
  4. manage the affairs of nation 什么意思
  5. manage the affairs of the country 什么意思
  6. manage the enterprise 什么意思
  7. manage the government by high standards 什么意思
  8. manage the labouring oar 什么意思
  9. manage the site structure and content 什么意思
  10. manage the story 什么意思


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